
Elizabeth Rennekamp

Total Basement Finishing by Energy Swing Windows

Hometown: Monroeville, PA
Elizabeth Rennekamp from Total Basement Finishing by Energy Swing Windows

Betty's contributions to Energy Swing have been critical in shaping the company approach to delivering customer satisfaction. Her attitude on the importance of providing value has helped shape Energy Swing's dedication to over-satisfy its customers.

For a large portion of the company's history, Betty was the first person most of our customers talked with when they first called Energy Swing. Betty's interactions with customers helped calm their fears about the investment they were considering. The way she interacts with people goes a long way towards making them feel more comfortable moving forward. She also was the go-to person whenever someone needed to get something done.

While Betty has a special place in the hearts of thousands of Energy Swing's customers, she also has a special place on all of our installation trucks. That's her eight-foot high picture that you see on the sides and back of all our install trucks. Her photo is also an essential ingredient in much of our marketing material and literature.

Even though she is no longer around on a full-time basis, her impact on the business is felt every day. Previous customers who call or stop in typically ask "Is Betty Here?".

Betty is a local girl who grew up in Trafford and Penn Township. She and Steve now live in Monroeville.

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