
How To Convert Your Basement Into A Remote Learning Space

Remote Learning Center

Help the students in your life by creating a comfortable remote learning space in the basement!

With the ongoing effects of the global coronavirus pandemic, there are few things left unaffected in our everyday lives. One of the things affected the most radically, however, has been our approach to education during this time. In an effort to protect those of us most vulnerable, many education systems have opted to have either partial or full time remote learning while trying to navigate this “new normal”. 

Often, this can pose a bit of a predicament for homeowners and parents who were not initially expecting to have to create a learning environment for their children within the home. For many homes, every room already has a designated purpose--and not necessarily one that will easily align with educational goals. There are many distractions in our homes that could negatively impact the quality of your child’s education. 

That’s where setting up a remote learning center comes in! 

Basement To Classroom: Important First Steps

There are a few practical things to consider when planning to convert your unfinished basement to a remote learning space. Basements are naturally cold and sometimes wet places, which isn’t a good environment for anyone, especially younger children to linger in for prolonged periods of time. 

Ensuring that your basement is waterproofed and drains reliably after heavy rain is imperative before starting your basement to classroom transformation. There are a few different ways to do this, but the most reliable basement waterproofing system in the minds of many professionals will be interior waterproofing. Interior waterproofing consists of pumps, piping and drains, as well as dehumidifiers and moisture barriers to protect building materials. 

Another important project to undertake before creating a remote learning space in the basement is the insulation. Properly insulating the basement can do more than simply keep the space more comfortable, basement insulation can also block tiny gaps that let in outdoor pollutants and allergens that could aggravate existing conditions like asthma and allergies. In the same vein, you should test your basement for any natural gases such as methane or radon. 

Once you’re sure that the basement is an overall healthy space with good indoor air quality, you can get started on creating a remote learning classroom in the basement! 

Planning Your Remote Learning Classroom: The Design 

When it comes to plotting out a good remote learning space for your children, it’s important to remember that your kids will end up spending a significant chunk of time in the basement doing school work. This means that the space should be healthy as well as comfortable and engaging. 

Before you begin, you should come up with a basic design plan. This design plan will have to take into account the subjects that your child is studying which will shift depending on grade. An elementary school student might need a less involved space, with sections set out for basic subjects like math, geography and history while a high school or college student will have more specialized and focused subjects in their education. Because of this, it’s important to narrow down to your child’s needs. 


Comfortable Basement

Having a comfortable spot to sit and study and do homework can help improve focus and reduce stress.

A must for all remote learning spaces is comfortable seating. No matter the age, sitting on hard, uncomfortable surfaces all day isn’t conducive to learning much of anything. Depending on the size of the basement area that you’ve decided will be the remote learning center, it may be beneficial to have multiple areas of seating outside of a desk and chair. A couch or even some floor cushions could provide a nice change for doing homework or independent study. 

Lack of Distractions

It’s never more apparent how many distractions there are in the home than when you’re doing your best to focus. Distractions come in all forms, from pets and siblings to the lure of personal belongings such as toys and books, and even outside noise. Setting up a separate remote learning space will help to eliminate some of those inherent distractions, but designing the space with education in mind--such as interactive bulletin boards and calendars can help to keep your student on track. 

Good Lighting

Recessed Lighting

Proper lighting reduces strain on the eyes, helping to keep your student energized and productive.

With basement’s being underground by the nature of their construction, they don’t always have the best lighting. Many basements are furnished with only small basement windows, high up on the wall and sometimes blocked by landscaping. Egress windows are required by law for any basement used as a living space as they can provide an escape route in the case of emergency, but an added benefit is the increased amount of natural light that your basement will get. There are also basement lighting systems that can help to brighten and lighten the feel of the space! 


No matter what grade they’re in, kids will always need supplies for their schooling and if not stored properly, it can quickly become a stressful mess. Having shelving and cubbies to cleanly stow away paper, pencils, charge cords and more can help to keep the room organized as the school year goes on. That way, you and your child won’t be scrambling to find the things they need, when they need them!

With all these concepts in mind, you’re ready to start planning an engaging and effective remote learning space for your children! 

Finding A Basement Finishing Contractor Near You

Basement Finishing

Get started planning your remote learning space, today!

As we all continue to adapt to the many constraints that the coronavirus pandemic has brought to our everyday lives, it’s important that our children remain safe and continue to get an education. If you’re looking to create an entirely separate remote learning space in the basement, Total Basement Finishing has your back! Reach out today for your free, no obligation estimate

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